DIY: Berk Technology HFC Install
you are in a position most of us thought about but didn't get stuck with (what if the the demon bolt wouldn't come off). Seems the majority of us had issues, but it finally would break loose or snap off.
On the rounded one, try an under sized socket with all the extensions and hammer it on to the bolt? I guess you already tried the Irwin bolt remover.
On the bolt that wouldn't budge get a longer pry bar. The logic would be its going to come loose, snap off or strip, but it's going to do something with enough leverage. Mine came lose, but it made such a pop I thought it broke.
The O2 sensor... Mine is a 2010 and I was surprised that they came off kind of easy... Good luck with that.
Just a note, since installing the HFC's it's never thrown a code, so once you are done you shouldn't have to worry about that.
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Last edited by SkipinJupiter; 05-29-2015 at 05:13 PM.