What kind of clear bra brand is best? 3m/ventureSH. and how much did you guys spend??
im looking around to get a clear bra for my new white 370z... 2 places i kno does venture shield... another does 3m.. the venture shield place is asking me 830 bucks for full bumper, part fenders, mirriors, fog light, headlight, and part hood.... it comes with a loaner car and lifetime free waxing of the clear bra wen installed der.
how much did you guys pay for the clear bra? i think 830 is kinda too much iono.
EDIT::: i called that same place back, and they want 500 bucks MORE for full hood and 250 for full fenders.... jeez........ does anybody think its worth paying more to get full coverage on hood and fenders??
Last edited by res0zsfa; 12-14-2009 at 12:54 PM.
Reason: for cleaner title and more detailed question