Hi All:
MVP Track Time is fast approaching 75% full for our 3rd annual
”Blue & Grey Track Days” June 27-28 track weekend at Road Atlanta. I hope you'll join us for the on-track fun.
Registration for the event is available on line with Pay Pal (you can use any major credit card through the Pay Pal system if you don’t have a Pay Pal account) or a mail-in registration at your choice of the links below:
On Line Registration: http://www.mvptracktime.com/id92.html
Mail In Registration: http://www.mvptracktime.com/id93.html
Feel free to contact me at (314) 249-3770 or
Feffman@MVPTrackTime.com if you have any questions. Happy Motoring and I’ll see you at Road Atlanta in June!