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Old 05-26-2015, 06:29 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Drives: 15 MB Nismo Z MT
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Default What mods have you done or plan for your Nismo 15+

I've been running into a few barriers with finding mods listed for the 15+ so wondering what others have done or found.

So far I've been able to "easily" get my takeda CAI on and berks HFC. Working with a local tuner towards an up rev tune. Plan on getting the Garage line X pipe and midpipe since they seem to come as a pair and waiting to see how the m370 works for others before I tackle that. I already test bunnied the takeda not doing it for the m370.

Suspension - looking into wheel spacers to get a little more stability and maybe the swifts

Exterior - Trying to decide what color to make the handles on the MB Maybe white I just dont like the silver. I'm going to find a way to get the 14 down Nismo spoiler on. Change the LED on the Z emblem to White. And get my DRLS to stay on.

Interior - Have Llumar CTX all the way around, Other than that maybe a shift knob the car is pretty good as is.. Aftermarket head unit and speakers down the road maybe. For now AUX is fine since I rarely listen to anything but the exhaust and engine

I'll throw up some pics of the install when I get my bumper back off to relocate my outside air temp sensor.

So what have you done!?
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