Originally Posted by Mitco39
Boosted with larger injectors you will get a pretty good pressure drop. I have a fuel return system that is supposed to increase fuel pressure as the boost comes on. After pulling the pump and taking a look I think its just the transfer in the tank not working like it should or I use more fuel then it can transfer and empties out the reservoir. I noticed that again the filter fell off the bottom of the pump so I "engineered it" lol.
When turning on the pump and listening I can hear fuel spraying down as it comes back from the engine, I would imagine that this is aerating the reservoir and further straining the fueling system. Ill upload some pics here now.
The over-tank transfer siphon is done with a venturi in the return line. It should put fuel on the passenger side of the tank faster than you burn it. The drivers side of the tank should be only 1" full before the passenger side even starts to go down. The exception would be if you just took a right turn and fuel sloshed over, then it would take several minutes for the siphon to recover the fuel to the passenger side again.
Fuel that comes back from the engine goes to a pair of venturi pumps, one is the overtank venturi and the other is the canister refill venturi.