Originally Posted by dP3NGU1N
Clowns like leroy (seriously man, less drugs...) and kuru, who continues to basically suggest that tickets are unwinnable and judges will ignore your pleas if you argue the law just because it's you against a cop, are the issue.
OK ill explain things to you, you clearly havent thought of. You probably are high, If you read what i wrote You would clearly understand i am not talking about you fighting that ticket because you are so much of a miser.
Firstly unwinnable ? Who said that ? I dont need to win or lose fines, No thank you. I accept my speeding and all fines when i am in the wrong.
Ill paint you a scenario, Try to keep up.
You were speeding, You get caught, You fight it and you get away with it.
Another person sees you as an example and carries this on. Now everyone is doing it because you can fight it. Merica.
Speed limit here is considerably higher than America. However i feel that this speed limit is not justified and it should be higher.
We are humans, We are just not satisfied. I dont really have any dog in this fight because we dont exactly fight fines. Spend time running around for a few measly bucks because you feel that the fine is not justified according to you and your studies.
You really want to change those speed limits ? Instead of acting like a child and being a rebel about it, How about you gather a few people who think like you and like a civil human approach this as a mass issue.
No you wont, You would rather get a speeding ticket, waste your time running around and be glad you won a pathetic little case . You think your few hundred dollars is going to hurt the government ? You are nothing but a rebel. I admit to being a rebel, I am probably even addicted to breaking rules, But i dont sit and whine about it saying its unfair for me to be accused for this because i read it in a study somewhere.
Americans claim 'Freedom' everywhere they go.. How is it that you have not managed to change the speed limits ? Probably because instead of doing something about it, You sit and fight those shitty tickets and consider it a victory that you got away without paying for it
I dont have anything against you, Or well americans, But that concept of taking everything to court even though you know full well that you were doing 60 in a 55 road is just pathetic.
Probably same concept used by people who commit serious crimes and they walk.
Grow up and accept your mistakes
Or if you really want to enforce change, Do it like an adult, Not by getting a ticket and running to fight it.
I am done with you, Because I know the kind of person you are, You are basically just a rebel like me, Fortunately for me, I just dont whine at **** i have done.