Originally Posted by Bshields22
I think my best story was I was going 94 in a 65 on my way to Vegas. I guess a plane clocked me. When that happens they radio down to a patrol car like 10 miles down the road to wait for you. Office comes up to my passenger window and my smart *** friend was with me, Cops asks, "you know why i pulled you over?" smart *** friend decides to quote Liar Liar and says, "depends how long you were following us" lol. Cop thought it was funny then began explain how i got clocked.
Showed up to court with only a hope and a prayer as my defense. In this situation the officer in the plane AND the Hwy Patrol officer need to be there together. Only the plane cop was....case dismissed... BOOM!
Good times... lol
there's many places around me that patrol speed from aircraft. most of VA highways I see the signs even certain spots in WV and PA I've seen the signs as well. I don't believe them soemtimes though lol