Parked normal in garage last night... this morning, lurching around as I try to pull out, clutch feels a bit different. I realize it's half almost all the way down but still engages enough to change gears just at a different point with very little play. Cruise control won't engage on way to work, either... if I pull up with the toe of my shoe, it pops all the way up.
Only have about 1900 miles (in a little over a month

) as DD. Couldn't be CSC I read about already, could it? Was in the break-in until not too long ago and haven't done any launches or anything like that (redlined 1-3rd and as far as I could go in 4th without earning a wreckless driving ticket)....
I keep finding the blue sticky/protective tape in nooks on the pedals and door panels, etc but don't think it's that... Guess I'll take it to the local dealer around lunch...