Originally Posted by madwi
Drove to the body shop steaming mad, manager showed me the piece that broke, small plastic piece that holds the lock/unlock button in place. Whew, nothing serious. He made it sound like the whole ******* handle was ripped out, then dropped and backed over by a 4x4 lol. Told him to glue that POS back into place when done and call it a day.
Wide awake now though, who needs sleep 
Got lucky! Glad everything worked out ok though. Soooo, pics nao?
Originally Posted by kenchan
i like the stock 19's, just dont care for the weak offsets they come in. it needs to be pushed out just a hair more. like 15mm front, 10mm rear. thats all that it takes at stock height.
remove head from civic gutter u do...  oh wait, dats yoda..
Spacers and call it a day for now then you think?
Originally Posted by kenchan
hey i checked the XXR750 styling. they're the mesh wheels?
u sure this wheel is going to look okay on a Z? looks like something someone would put on an audi sedan or something?
I like Audi wheels for some reason. I'm weird. Don't they make a cheaper sub-version of your wheels though for roughly $250?