Originally Posted by darkphantom
what about memory consumption? Will it recycle the space based on storage or is it something I need to manually do?
Thanks for the inputs!
The blackvue I showed you (not sure if case for all blackvue), memory consumption it overwrites the oldest file:
Lets say you have a max recording of 8 hours on a 32gb card.
Records hour 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. When 9th hour is recorded, hour 1 gets deleted automatically and everything shifts up. so the position of memory become 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and it is looped. Also you can cut up videos so when you review them, each video will be like 3 min long or w.e u want. Convenient for when you wonna look up something specific. Dont have to dig through 1 huge file like how you look for a certain scene in a movie file.