Originally Posted by nismosis
Got to play with the RE-71Rs at the NCM Match Tour this past weekend. The lot was pretty new asphalt with a dusting of sand. Laid down 4 TnT runs and 14 Match runs. Ended up running 39-40psi front and 33-34psi rear, with Koni's at ~75% front and ~80% rear. Took the trophy in BS on Saturday, but lost in the Sunday semi's of the club shootout. The tires were fantastic all weekend. Lots of grip, good audible feedback, and heat up quick even running first in the mornings (more than my R-S3's did). However, by the 5th shootout run, which were only about 3 minutes apart, they were greased. I ended up with a DNF coming out of a 180 sweeper into a slalom....front end pushed and hit the first pointer while holding the same line as previous runs.
Congrats on the win! I was just happy to be somewhat competitive considering my tire handicap.