Originally Posted by KratikosG37
That's your option and I respect that. The hard truth is anything that you're boosting is a gamble.
Yes they do have cars with tunes/parts that easily have high miles. I'm 17k miles under boost 0 issues.
Rolex statement was meant as a awareness of condition. Beating up a boosted VQ daily is fine just like wearing the watch, but if it breaks get ready to pay.
True and I agree with with the gamble, however I did DD my twin turbo car without any major issues until I had to let it go. The only issues I had were TSB related and a CSF radiator upper hose connection that would leak after time. I had all of those issues sorted. I also had over 30k miles put on the car with that twin turbo installed. Did I dog it.........no. Did I baby it............no. I did frequent regular maintenance and paid close attention to any changes. You have to be "one with your machine" in a matter of speaking and I took the time to do that.
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