UPDATE: I have it installed! Random red wires on the yellow was useless. I'll post up some pics when I get the chance!
I'm about 30% done with installing my backup camera, but I am very confused as far as powering the camera and the monitor goes.
Heres what I got so far:
The result so far. 4.3 inch monitor and Moonet 370z rearview camera.
Wiring of back up camera.
The backup camera.
This is the diagram I drew, lol.
I understand the grounding part (I think, which is Black 2 and 3.
I THINK.).. I don't know what Red 3 and Red 4 is useful for.
So am I supposed to connect Red 2 to Red 3 and connect those two to an add a fuse? I'm thinking this would allow me to have both camera and monitor on every time the car is on. Or would this blow the fuse? My other option was connecting Red 2 to the reverse light and having red 3 on an add-a-fuse. Also, what does white do?