Stuff like this is what makes me mad at the scum of society.
The lack of total disregard for others property like if a car, house and you name it, comes to us just by falling from the sky.
I often wish we have a day like in the movie The Purge. After all, I think it will be beneficial for the entire society.
I know its just rims, but the hassle involved with the insurance company, maybe the rates will go up to the owner and all the other things involved in a situation like this. But the biggest issue that I have is the feeling of being "violated", the feeling of not being secure, the feeling of not being able of having something nice because some scum bag decides to take stuff from hard working people just to make a few dollars for crack or alcohol.
I feel sorry for the OP. He was doing the correct or what is best for the community and the environment by parking his vehicle and utilizing mass transportation and that's how he gets rewarded.
I hope the insurance company settles this in the most convenient way for the OP.