Originally Posted by MR.nismo
You have buffoons for landscapers and all I get around here are illegal immigrants. What gives? 
I'd sooner take one of my kind ( alien, but kosher) than a bufffoon any day. You know it took me about 4 years of home ownership to eventually learn what grass is compared to weedy grass. Before it was all grass to me. LOL.
I guess the more I'm getting proefficient with yard work the more I'm seeing issues with my so called grasscutters. Don't get me wrong, a broken sprinkler head here or there caused by the mass ( and hes big) of the ride on mower guy or the odd grass skid marks is expected and a few trenches due to mowing after heavy rainfall.
In an ideal world I'd do all the **** myself, a bit like how I do my own and wife's oil changes etc.
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