So i've been doing some
investigation into differentials.
After my most recent track day,
[footage coming tomorrow], ...I have determined that the VLSD, while inferior, is good enough for me.
I can still light up the tires and get it sideways @ 60 with the Sport Package diff. So my motivation to switch to a Quaife is decreasing.
Gingerman Raceway commentary
I just upgraded tires to Toyo R888 (from Sumitomo HTR III), so that in itself should prevent a lot of the drifting i had at this last HPDE.
Quote from corner workers about my driving this weekend:
- "Should we bring him in for drifting the corners?"
- "Nah, it's controlled, so should be fine."
For reference
Gingerman Extended track:
...on hilariously
slippery tires.
Not sure why, but some tracks don't like you sliding around the corners so much. Meh, that's 1/2 the fun!

But the only reason the tail was sliding was to decrease the understeer, balance 'er out.
Moral of this Story
To let you all know that unless you need the last 0.5 second out of the 370z's lap time, don't bother with a differential. But if you have $2k burning a hole in your pocket, it is a nice upgrade.
OH, and don't buy Sumitomo tires.