Originally Posted by Davey
Then you are going to get out a $5 detailing towel and a $10 bottle of quick detailer and go to town for about an hour or two, and I don't know about you but my time is worth money.
So people can complain about the CR system being expensive to buy and the resin not lasting that long, but I love mine. It took a 2.5 - 3 hour hell of car washing and turned it into something enjoyable and frustration free.
An hour or two for some QD?

More like 15-20 minutes. Those towels will last for years with proper care, and a bottle of detail spray lasts me at least 5 full clay sessions (QD sessions use even less).
Also, I hate that expression, "my time is worth money". Are you really working billable hours 24/7? The answer is no. My time is worth money, too. But my free time is worth far less than my billable work hours. You sleep at least a few hours a day, so that's wasted time. Do you read? Watch TV? Clean up or work around the house/yard? Do anything that uses time and doesn't bring income into the house? I bet you do. If you do any of these things, do you consider that time wasted? I bet you don't. So to think that time you spend doing any menial task is worth money is just a pretense.
I can do a decent wash in a little over an hour. Full detail with clay/correction/finish/wax takes closer to 4-6 hours. It is a labor of love for me. Regardless of how long it takes. In fact, I would say I actually relish the work taking a little longer because I do it all by hand. But that's just me and may not be for everyone.