More boost Stillen SuperCharger kit
Currently i have
- Stillen SuperCharger Kit with 9lbs boost pulley
- 9:1 Compression Ratio Wiseco Pistons
- - built bottom end
- Level 10 upgraded 7AT Transmission (Hamburg, NJ)
- ART Test Pipes
- Stillen Headers
- CJ Motorsports v1 Fuel Pump (on its way)
- 750cc Injector Dynamics
First off talking to Stillen is tough, and talking to Vortech about superchargers and the kit that its on is pretty rough as well. Vortech was much easier but still very unwilling to help since its the Stillen kit.
What i would like to accomplish is max out the Vortech V-3 SCi supercharger that is currently on my car. What size pulley can i go to and achieve approx. 16lbs of boost? The supercharger is rated to 17lbs boost. The other question i have. Is there anyway to upgrade to a Vortech TI? I have been told that the bolt pattern is the same and should mount up but i was wondering if anyone has any experience with this type of upgrade?