Originally Posted by Angel370Z
I'm a huge believer in killing with kindness, positive energy is really hard to fight with. I would have asked if I could help him with the cleaning because the debris was going over your property. With that approach you probably would have learned about your landscaper with out him having such a defensive reaction, as I'm sure he's not happy about your landscaper as well. Remember he's your neighbor and he's not going anywhere anytime soon so you guys should be friendly, pun intended.
Ofcourse a fu*king angel would say some hippy bullsh!t like that. Now squish him and listen to the devil on your other shoulder....
But yeah, unless you're willing to invest in a lot of bleach, plastic sheeting, and a large Persian rug.... Make nice. The douchebag isn't going anywhere and escalating usually ends with bright red and blue lights all over the neighborhood.