Originally Posted by JARblue
Be patient with it. If you have sport package, use SRM to figure out what RPMs the Z likes to be at in different gears at different speeds. Then practice, practice, practice. Consider RJM clutch pedal assembly.
There is no need to press the clutch pedal all the way to the floor. This actually puts more stress on the fragile CSC, which is already prone to failure. If you're engaging the clutch and not grinding, then you're probably doing ok 
Thank god I got the 4 year warranty with my Z. I do plan on getting the RJM clutch soon though. Just waiting for the weather to warm up. I'm definitely not grinding gears, was just slightly concerned on only pushing it in 2 inches to engage the car. Sadly no sport package, so I'll just have to listen to how she wants to react and feel every little movement until I get down RPM patterns. Nothing complicated. This just turned into a game of where the hell the clutch is