After living in Vegas for many years, the amount of drivers under the influence in the evening is staggering. As great as it sounds, it's not realistic to get a cab or uber every time you have a drink. Drinking responsibly is key. That means, limit your beers to two at most, not two pints. Liquor may be tasty, but that's the fastest way to jail if you get in your car. They come in a tiny @ss glass and almost guaranteed to drink at least two. When I moved to Tampa, I got real smart with it, and live within walking distance to at least 10 bars/restaurants. I have another 25-30 a trolley ride away. Uber only costs a few bucks from that distance too. It's not worth putting everything you worked for at risk for one mistake. Hell, I have a clearance to protect; one mistake and I lose my military career and my civilian (loss of clearance and jail time). That domino's into no more Z, no more Maxima, no more apartment in a nice part of town, and potentially no more Wife. I feel bad for your friend, I empathize the situation, but he must accept responsibility for his actions. If anything, this is a hard lesson that was a long time coming. Hopefully he has money saved somewhere to stay afloat.
Old Car:GTM TSC'd 550whp / 410lbft tq @ 11.88PSI
New Car: Under Construction