If you read Lingenfilters book, he emphases maximizing horsepower within the intended rpm range in which the car will be utilized. That said, have a spreadsheet that I plug the dyno numbers into that replicates a quarter mile run. I get both average hp within each gear and an average hp over what the entire quarter mile run would be.
Then shame on me.....back it up at the track typically looking at the mph vs time taking in consideration the weather conditions. Don't have a true weather station, but sure do look at the barometric pressure, humidity, temp and 60' time for track prep.
Peak hp or peak gains are nice, but it's the average hp gain that wins races. Again, new to this list, not new to doing mods.
In 100% agreement about preproduction dyno numbers vs real word user numbers. Was the first person to purchase and paid $2k for a set of stepped headers with merge pipe that were hyped to produce a 25 hp gain over my Hookers. Would have been happy with a 5-8 hp gain.
They didn't fit, leaked, rusted and after a year and dozens of dyno runs to make then work, I sent them back. The gains were ZERO on the dyno vs a set of conventional headers. I then called Larry Meaux who writes racing software and whose cars have over 40 NHRA records. Larry said in his experience, this particular type of header at best would produce a 1% gain. Sometimes none. My experience was none.
So much with premarket hype......this is where any BS ends.
Originally Posted by in.the.dark
I've dealt with Stillen products before during my decade long love affair with DSMs. They produce good quality products and are sincere about their efforts.
Josh, the best way to overcome the skeptics is to be as thorough in what you post when you guys get your dyno time (obviously you know this). I'd hate to have to wait for more results after your product goes on sale AND someone buys AND they get to a dyno. Here's what I think would satisfy the community:
Not all of us are like Denny, looking for a single high point to justify our purchases. Those of us looking for maximum area under the curve want a better ability to evaluate your product. So, for the rest of us, a full dyno pull readout, from 0-redline would be fantastic. This will help those that are looking for the kinds of results I am to really assess your intake and whether it meets our specific needs. Being a long tube style, I expect that the ability of the tubes to breathe at higher rpms may cost a little down low whereas a shorter, ram style intake may sacrifice high rpm gains for more area under the curve elsewhere.
I think the A/F is key as well. Therefore, I would greatly apprecieate the A/F readings for all pulls.
Thanks. I'm looking forward to the results.