Originally Posted by jpkirk
Yea I have thought about HPDE. My car isn't ready for fast laps on a track. Nor am I. The car needs some minor brake mods and maybe an oil cooler first. And I'm interested in getting used to feeling the car slip around at lower speeds first, so I don't kill myself, an instructor, or the car. It has been some time since I have driven a car, any car, at enough speed, with the intention of getting it to the edge.
Starting slow and will work my way up to track days. Besides, it's not really speed that does it for me, more g's.
Well you probably shouldn't be doing an HPDE as a beginner with the intention of getting it to the edge anyways. You are free to go at your own pace, you must need to point by people behind you so they can pass safely. All you really need is a brake fluid upgrade, especially if you are just doing a hyperdrive. Oil cooler is recommended, but if you're going at a calmer pace then not an absolute need. When I did my hyperdrive without an oil cooler, I just upshifted to a higher gear to let the oil temps cool down a bit.
You could always just try both and see which you like better. I would not recommend spending $200 on an autocross experience before trying out a normal autocross day first.