Listen I get where your coming from but sam already knows this but chooses to be greedy instead. I went through vivid racing a month ago and tried to purchase one of their new redesigned exhaust manifolds and waited almost 2 months on a deadline sam himself gave todd and vivid and guess what he missed the deadline and I had to have vivid refund my money.. Nothing will change with sam because he knows how to weezel his way out after he has your money.. Anybody would be insane to ever use gtm for future business. I now have a busted car with a built motor for insane boost and out almost 10k for his twin turbo kit.. Don't you guys find it funny he has time for r&d to design more crap while filing for bankruptcy and not wanting to refund your hard earned money you gave him??

Originally Posted by KratikosG37
HKS works just fine.
Buddy of mine cracked both of his.
Also can get them welded too.
Glad to read you got it fixed.
Edit: I don't know the situation of GTM. All I know it I too also own a GTM TT kit, so by default I would like for them to make a comeback for my own reasons. No one likes owning a car you can't get parts for.
Having the time for R&D on a s/c and not customer service is mind boggling and making me want to scream.
Why purchase anything if all you hear is a bad rep? It don't matter if they can make a boosted VQ37VHR that can blow IF or AMM out the water(not implying they can). If your customer service is questionable I'm not investing a damn thing with you. With that said, they're plenty of other threads/post about GTM, and how bad they treated other people, so this isn't anything new.
If you're going to make a comeback please lean your attention on a larger customer service, and get the sponsoring back on the forums with current testimonials. Drop what you're doing cause the community is more considered about how you treated people in the past and not what you're making for the future. Work on all the refunds and promises you made to the people that are still waiting on their parts. Proof to us that everything you been doing in the past is the past.
Just want to be able purchase parts from you in the future again and not have to change a complete kit somewhere else because of your bad business decisions.