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Old 04-09-2015, 10:28 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: Georgia
Posts: 34
Drives: 2015 Sport Tech
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Allentown is on a distinguished road

The 1le optioned out will run you what a nismo runs. I have trouble buying a Chevy product unless it's a vette but this car (1le) deserves respect.

I'd buy a new model mustang with track pack first but don't be fooled. American "quality" is seriously lacking....from both (Ford and chevy) companies.

Okay it may be better than the late 80s but I've had newer mustangs and dodges etc and they have all pretty much had issues compared to my Nissans which needed whiper blades and a tail light.....all totaled, that includes a (versa, a g37, a titan, another versa and the new z)

With Ford's etc there is always some freaking light shorting out/rattle/ knob broken/error code/squeek/grind/clunk/ etc. However a replacement fog light (g37-busted by a rock) at the dealership will run you $300 at an infinity dealership vs $70.00 (mustang) at the Ford in a way it's a wash.

(Mustangs and Camaros and callengers) They wear on you and no matter how much you try to love them, they have a way of sucking the fun out of it because you spend just as much time stressing about issues as you do enjoying the car....

Last edited by Allentown; 04-09-2015 at 10:37 PM.
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