100 octane, 1 or 2 step colder plugs, and taking 2-4 degrees out of the tune will be safe to run a 150 shot. Rule of thumb with nitrous is don't go over 50% of the motors original hp figures. Run wet kit with a tune and a little on the richer side. You can do an NA tune with a wet kit and run .02 larger pill than "calculated" on the fuel side to be safe also.
But I have also heard horror stories with the ZEX brain. It's an awesome system IF yours works flawlessly. I had a friend who had a bad box straight from the start. Another that failed halfway into the tuning session and his 3rd box failed 3 months after that. Originally my kit I had built for my Z was a full dyno tune fogger kit with all the bells and whistles available.
R.I.P. 8/01/13 1SlowZ
One day I'll have another....