Originally Posted by JARblue
This makes no sense...
First, you seem to be calling the skill of proper MT shifting, lame. This coming from an AT ladyboy is too funny People often make fun of what they can't do or don't have. So I guess I understand your frustration since you don't have an MT and can't drive one either
Second, it's pedal
Thank you for being the grammar nazi there jar. Unfortunately my smart phone isn't very smart with the auto correct Feature in which we all love.
I can also drive a manual and have driven plenty of them anywhere ranging from a mustang gt, an rx7, and the old 3 on the tree Chevelle. Driven a deuce and half in the military too.
Don't get high and mighty over your pansyassed hydraulic assisted little Short throw manuals that all cars have these days. They are almost as easy to drive as the autos.