Originally Posted by Scott@Synergy
Awesome. At 100 yards for sets of 10 I was pretty much full torso all over. I'm looking forward to getting down to about a cantaloupe or close to it size.
No offense, but that's probably not the rifle's fault. At 100 yards, you should be inside the nine ring (center mass) on a man-sized torso target. I used to put rounds in the X ring at 200 yards with an issue rifle, it's all practice, and the fundamentals (sight alignment, sight picture, breathing and trigger control).
My observations:
If you are all over the target, that points out a problem with sight alignment/sight picture. Low and to the left is an issue with 'bucking' (anticipating the shot), high and to the right, jerking the trigger. There is a target out there that has those things marked off on the target, so you can focus on fixing them. I wouldn't put too much stock in YouTube 'sled tests', it takes time and practice to become proficient with a firearm, no amount of 'tacti-cool' stuff is a substitute for time behind the trigger.