A problem I had that has since been rectified -
Less than a week after picking the car I noticed one morning that the bonnet was not sitting flush with the bodywork at the front of the car. It was skewed to one side, higher on the passenger side and lower on the driver's side.
After a bit of fiddling I suspected that it was the bonnet stops that had perhaps moved around slightly. It was at the time of the first 'free' check and the dealer confirmed that the bonnet stops. See pic.
My usual technique for closing bonnets ever since I can remember is to lower the bonnet to within 6 inches of the body and let it drop to close. I know that it was sitting perfectly flush when I picked it up and I was the only person ever to open/close the bonnet.
I thought that maybe as the bonnet is aluminium and much lighter than the usual steel bonnet that maybe this technique was not a good thing. Ever since I have been lowering the bonnet to sit againt the bodywork then gently using each hand at either end of the bonnet (driver amd passengers side) to gently push it closed. The aluminium flexes a little (as it want to do) and I hav'ent had the problem since.
Anyone else noticed problems with closing the bonnet?
"...'cause the only decent things that come in 2 litres are milk & orange juice"