I spent hours watching various videos on product reviews and results. I know there are pros and cons to each but here is what I use after trying a few different things.
Wash: Eagle One Nano
Dry with Absorber towel
Meguiars Ultimate: Compound, Polish and Liquid Wax (for detailing) - Clay bar first
Tires: Mequiars Endurance Tire Gel
Interior: Meguiars Natural Shine
Seats: Mequiars Gold Class Rich Leather Wipes
After every wash: Turtle Wax - Wax and Dry Spray Wax
Other wax I used that I like is Mothers FX Synwax Paste and Mequiars NXT Generation Tech Wax. I know my list sounds like I am pushing Meguiars but that is what works for me plus I can find Meguiars almost anywhere for a decent price.