Originally Posted by Jordo!
Christ. I hate to say I can see the BBC's position on this... but on the other hand, if Clarkson assaulted someone, its a criminal/civil matter, right? The wounded party can surely press charges/sue/whatever, and the BBC can stand behind that without firing Jeremy.
To the best of my knowledge, I've never heard of him busting anyone's lip before -- he's not exactly presenting a constant danger to either the staff or the image of the BBC.
I don't really see how the BBC have to kill the show to prove a point. They have laws in the UK; unless one of them demands a presenter be canned for this behavior, while I see their point, its kind of a huge over-reaction...
I'd hate to say it but I agree and disagree with you. Yes, I guess technically they could go through civil lawsuits etc, and have him remain in place. However, he did punch a guy in the face at work! Lol. You can't go around slugging people while you're at work. If my CFO at work did that he'd be canned too. So I don't think firing him was the wrong decision. I just wish the Bloody Pill DIDNT hit him!! Lol