First Congrats on selecting a Z, you are entering a rich community that is like no other. Now for buying a Z, I myself spent a year getting everything together before buying my Z. When I first started I swore I was going to get a new one, but after thinking about it, I decided to go with a used one (and I am so happy I did) Here are my tips or advise.
1- As 6spd said Carmax is not the best price by any means, I looked local and found better deals then they were offering.
2- Shop around, there are plenty of Z's do not focus on just one, keep options open.
3- Internet, I started with a 50 mile search and ended with a 500 mile search. I live in Daytona and the 4 Z's I were looking at were, in Pensacola (400 miles away) Wake Forrest, NC Area, Tampa, Florida and Mobile Alabama. I went with the one in Pensacola. (Look around)
4- Get what you want, don't settle, I mean its of to settle on say Rims (you can change those out easy enough) Don't settle for a Manuel if you really want an Automatic, trust me there is one out there.
5- Last have fun, some people make buying a car a choir, but remember your not buying a car, you are buying a Z.
Good luck to you.