Originally Posted by FPenvy
the only aspect that the MT wins is the initial holding power of TQ over the AT. however any and everyone who goes over said power limit ends up changing to a bigger/stronger clutch regardless. soooo it's not really a strong argument unless you then go to compare prices. yes a MT can be upgraded for slightly less money. but that is due to the fact most places pretty much just build the AT to be good for 1000hp which costs a bit more.
and yes my analogy was meant to be the way it was lol obviously yours was literal and more accurate but that wasn't my end goal......I was just bashing 
Slightly less money?

That upgrade cost for a new clutch is less than the extra cost for an AT from the dealer. So not only do you have to pay extra for the AT initially, you have to pay to upgrade it to 1000hp before you can add an extra 50 ft-lb torque
oh $hit... my bad