I agree to a degree with everyone here.
You should carefully weigh your options and decide what you want to do (depending on the size of purchase I do a time-test) and then execute your decision quickly.
For example, I have a 1-day threshold for sub 100 doller purchases. If I want it today, if the urge is still there to buy a new 'item' then I'll wait a few days and if the 'desire/urge' is still there i'll get it. If I get non-chalant then it can wait.
For a car... heck... any major purchase then I'd do a longer time-wait test. Like... 7 days. Will it kill you to wait an extra few days to weigh your decision? No? Then wait.
A car is not life or death so it's not worth rushing to make a decision. As you're experiencing now, another bad move will definitely compound your issue. Your 30k debt will turn into 50k on a car that's worth... 40k? And then to top it off the depreciating asset is going to go down a lot faster initially than your debt. Try re-sell the car back to the dealer at the price you paid for it.