Originally Posted by JARblue
My buddy built his own set up a few years ago. But it's not the set up that's expensive. Well, they can be if you just buy one. But it's the cost of carbon refills and such that make it expensive to use. Even the raw materials in bulk was expensive. I don't remember his exact numbers, but he calculated the cost per wash after a year and decided it wasn't worth it and sold the set up on craigslist.
I use the Mr. Clean system with filters and can get about 4-5 washes per filter. But I'm down to three filters left and it's long since discontinued. You can find them on eBay and such, but they're stupidly overpriced at like $10 per filter. So I'll be switching to the two bucket method with hose water once I'm out.
As I'm researching further, I'm finding that your friend is correct. I was planning a setup using bulk DI resin, and best case is $10 a pound. The media's life span, obviously is shortened depending on the amount of sediments in your water. Although the parts to build such a setup would run me under $50, the number of rinses I would get from each pound of media, coupled with the effort of consistently changing it would not be worth the cost, or effort to me, being on well water with high contaminants.
I currently use griots spray on wax after rinsing, and leaf blower, along with waffle weave towels to dry. Until something better comes along, this will be the regime.