Originally Posted by Nism0
Well I guess this is bad news for me since I bought your kit. . .
Just for the record: I Sold A Solid Kit !!! Removed all my weird science stuff before sending it him!
Not bad news for you. You have stock kit with stock pulley's, stock kit injectors, stock MAF Sensors. Your not running 12 lbs to 11 lbs of boost. The kit i gave you is not what i was running with it. Intake manifold is fine for what the kit is designed for, not what i was doing to it!
Huge difference buddy!
You will be fine, for those of us that always try to get the most out of our kits, we experience more issue. Always pushing it to the max. Hope you enjoy the power you'll get. Key is having a good installer that knows what there doing to get the most reliable set up.