Originally Posted by Jimbo370
Here in Florida we are getting more red light cameras. I see many cars now a days with clear plastic over their back license plate. I have looked on Amazon and there was spray cans to plastic covers but all got bad reviews. Does anyone have a good product site or positive review from personal use. I don't plan on running lights but would appreciate the self assurance. THANKS
that clear plastic plate doesn't do anything, and also, if an LEO really wanted to, they could ticket you for that, as it is illegal to have any covering on your plate. people think that the flash from the camera will reflect off the plate, thus not being able to capture the plate; however, this is all wrong. during the day, there is no flash. and even if there was, you would have to match the angle of the flash to even attempt to reflect. also, those cameras are alot more advanced than what people think.
Originally Posted by Jimbo370
all it needs to do is reflect 1 digit like how you get the starburst camera shot.(clear nailpolish) someone needs to go on shark tank with invention. haha
not true. even if they have all but one character off of your plate, they can still plug n play different characters (i.e 0 to 9, A to Z) to match the description of your car.