Originally Posted by phunk
You dont need axles. The trick to not breaking the driveline is to preload before launching. Which is very easy, just very lightly let up the clutch until you feel the drivetrain is loaded and then slip it out hard. No problem. You should be doing this always anyway. It doesnt hurt to carry a spare axle with you... but overall the stock axles can handle the power. Shocking the driveline will break any axles you put in sooner than later.
As for the diff mount, you just need to install the whiteline differential bushings. The stock bushings are too soft and will fail quickly. These bushings are cheap and install is pretty easy... hardest part is getting the stock rear one out. There is no welding or fabricating involved.
Lmao ok that translates into you don't know what the F u are doing and yoir gonna break your high dollar toy

I have white line bushings. I know tony at fast intentions welded something on terrible ones car that broke on launch. Sorry I'm not enuf of a car guy to articulate but I'm always up for learning. Thank you phunk for clarifying about preloading the drive train, I though only autos could do this depending on the tire u are running.
ok now back to talking about how badass bullets car is