Originally Posted by Mt Tam I am
I have barley been on the 370Z.com as life has been rough lately at home. My gal of 21 years started to go out of her way to drive me crazy. I know all men say this sort of stuff but it was pronounce. Things not getting done, bills unpaid, constantly saying one thing doing another and when called out, simply say "I am doing the best I can". There are countless examples of unacceptable behavior.
I contemplated ending our relationship. I am so glad I didn't.
She began to exhibit signs of senility but maybe it was a TIA type stroke? She went to the doctor and was fine. Really? I took her to her doctor Monday, where I had the doctor ask her a few questions not on the usual list. I was told to take her to the ER where the diagnosis was a baseball sized mass (tumor). She's been in the hospital ever since, and I'm there till they kick me out. At 7:30 am Friday (today) she will have it removed during an 8+ hour operation. She has yet to shed a tear and I am just barely holding together.
I am telling everyone it went well in advance. Pray I'm right.

saying a little prayer for you Tam. And your gal. [{z-hugs}]. Hang in there buddy. We are there w you in our thoughts.