Alright ladies. its warm. Quit yer Bitchin. Departing The Target parking lot in Hampton at 7:30am to head to Williamsburg Cars and Coffee. For the new people that haven't participated before, it's a good time to hang out with fellow enthusiasts of all makes and models and talk shop or don't, drink coffe or dont and then head to brunch afterward. Last C&C I attended up there (January I believe) it was ******* cold but we had a great turnout including local Z owners from
VB. Brunch was excellent unless your name is Tim and you just suck at life.
Anyhow... If anyone wishes to meet up locally and caravan up to the meeting spot, be at the Starbucks off Independence and Investor's Place just south of 264 no later than 6:45. We'll depart promptly at 6:50.
As always, my buddies from the Acura club will be in attendance. All good people. Join us if you can! Since it'll be sunny and almost 60 on Saturday we may very likely do BBQ for lunch. There's a couple of good places up there.
Shine em up! Hope to see everyone there!