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Old 03-16-2015, 01:11 PM   #16 (permalink)
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OP, work with your dealer to understand why your flywheel is burnt. Collect pictures of the supposedly burnt flywheel. Ask, politely, if your dealer is able to show you a non-burnt flywheel (probably won't be able to). You can always look this up online. Do not fight/argue with your dealer. Your battle is with Nissan at this point.

I suggest you post pictures here such that others may weigh in. There many members here who have experience with what an "abused" flywheel will look like. There are some heat markings on almost all used flywheels and flywheel pictures I've seen.

If it is indeed burnt, ask Nissan to review the pictures, and also explain how a burnt flywheel translates to a CSC failure. Do not settle for anything less than a technical representative answering your question (the consumer affair specialist is just a middleman). They will have difficulty doing this. At the least your CSC r+r should be covered unless they can prove that your flywheel is "burnt" and that subsequently caused a CSC failure. Take to the media if Nissan refuses to cooperate with the above process.
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