Originally Posted by MR.nismo
My friend, it is easier and cheaper to replace a clutch than fixing or replacing an automatic transmission. 
I hear ya. I've replaced plenty of clutches in my time. I was merely pointing out that there seems to be a consistently ongoing issue with the 370's MT. As I've mentioned previously in this thread, until getting my Z last year, all I drove were MTs for 30 years. My choice was mainly practical, since my Z is a DD and I drive in a lot of stop-and-go traffic. That noted, having made the switch, I don't regret it, as the AT shifts quick/hard enough for my needs. As far as durability goes, I won't go FI, so I don't foresee any issues from "normal" driving, unlike the folks that chose the MT version.
At the end of the day, its a good car, whether you are rowing gears or monkeying with flappy paddles.