Originally Posted by JARblue
It sounds like that's all you have at the moment. Then maybe when you get your cores, you can make nice and get the claim dropped.
Or if you still have a problem, you can continue to be an a$$ and possibly lose the entire claim instead of trying to work out a compromise. You've already lost here it seems. Might want to try and at least stop the bleeding.
That's what I've been saying. But I'm waiting, maybe deliver today but I have no idea what's inside. Plate? Upper? Lower? Idk. Point is he made a claim for full refund, it's been over a week since he shipped the m370 and I still don't have the plate, he got a free upper and lower and still no returns. That's theft, plain and simple. He has all my parts, PayPal on his side, and his cores still. Till I get it all that's still theft specially since he did a claim and my PayPal account is empty.