Originally Posted by Scott@Synergy
Yes they are mine. I bought them and I pay for porting. Shawn keeps some at his shop depending if a customer returns to my PP or his shipping address. "We" our in business together so it doesn't matter who's whos but I buy and pay for everything.
Synergy is owned by Shawn. I have nothing to do with CF making. He has that end and I have this end. I help him out, he helps me out. But the thousands I've spent on intake parts is all mine. I'd never say his 50k autoclave and shop our mine. To him I'm the guy that brings him porting business.
You can contact directly. But he has nothing to port for you unless you send them in and the price won't change. We are in this together. And I'm afraid how this matter has anything to do with our business here? A customer stole from us trying to make good, returned nothing. To us but TB's and he wants a full refund keeping the ported parts. How is this on me and not on the theif?
You're correct! It's not that hard but this custeromer so far has only stolen. I have zero issues resolving this and have been trying for days. At this point he's no longer a customer and I want all our stuff back and he can have all his stuff back!
holy fuckin spelling and grammatical errors