Originally Posted by 370Z_Fan
Why were you "being rude to her and stuff?" You know this girl?
well...I think she called up to complain and hoped to get my fired or something...funny how I've been getting quite a few complaints the past week and a half...and I've been here 8 years and never got a complaint or any customer called in so consecutively. Last week, someone called in too...I wonder if it's the same person trying to get to me...
I have a culprit in mind...even though I just broke up with my girl, I don't think she did it, cuz had just dropped off a christmas gift to me right before I went to my car...then again, it COULD be here....but the other girl who I'm thinking is this one chick I met a few years ago, and I blew her off, and I still blow her off...heck, I did it last week...she thinks I'm arrogant, and I told her I don't want to be with her cuz she's still a kid...(she's over 18)