Originally Posted by Most Savage
I've watched videos from DipYourCar on how many coating is good for rims, etc. but my worry is maybe it being uneven?? I mean, it sounds simple to do, but if it were really that simple, why don't people dip it themselves? And yeah I planned on doing it in my driveway. I might give it a shot. If I end up ******* up, should I continue spraying to get a heavier coat for it to be easier to peel off?
It doesn't need to be that even. plastidip self levels rather well. What you really want is coverage, as in none of the original color showing through (the water bottle is good for this since you can shine a light through it and see where you might be thin). The other thing you need to make sure of is to avoid runs. This is why light coats are better than a single thick coat. Not only does the thick coat take exponentially longer to dry, you also run the risk of runs as well as welling (gathering of material) near corners.