Originally Posted by Limeybastard
Congrats on the purchase. So the three of us seem to live pretty close.. I am in Hernando County. Close to pasco .
Same sentiments with the 7AT, manual all my life til the Z. I am happy.
Thanks man!
Look at us, tri-county representation lol, as i stay in hillsborough county. I don't know what it is about the Z auto tranny. Though it's not like the dct in the gtr, maybe it's a placebo effect, but something about the Z auto tranny feels different than other autos i've driven.
Originally Posted by janglez
welcome to the addiction... love my 7at too
someone actually told me "What a waste of a car" at a redlight bc of the auto tranny

but then again, it came from a kid in a older model civic with the altezza lights that used to be cool when i was in 8th grade.