Well my friends here is a little update of my Z

this weekend I decide to paint & install my Aerojacket Long Version Side Blades & Aerojacket Rear Spats... I start the project on Saturday and ended Yesterday cause the damn weather are very unstable this days Here in
PR... sometimes we have sun and then the damn rain... Anyway here are the pics of the parts and the only pic i can take to the car with the parts installed... cause when i finish the installation start to rain again
image (1) by
carlitos_370z, on Flickr
new look by
carlitos_370z, on Flickr
BTW I remove the plasti-**** of the rear balance and painted with real paint
image (3) by
carlitos_370z, on Flickr
image (2) by
carlitos_370z, on Flickr
Im going to take more pics soon