Look for Seymore4 here in the forum and he'll Etune you for $100 unlimited Etunes. It is a good idea to have a Uprev Cable in hand so you reflash the car back to stock if you have to go for emmision or warranty work.
Seymore can Etune your car in a week or less, depending how quickly you send him back your log files. He responds quick! He Etunes my car before, but I have a tuner version and i learned how to tweak mine. When I have questions, seymore4 always helps me...
Here is my map setting.
Map 1 : fast!
Map 2 : faster!
Map 3 : fastest!
Map 4: Warp speed!
Map5: Granny speed...
Last edited by Awgd8; 03-01-2015 at 07:12 PM.