Its a lot of $ for what they actually do. Two of these a year and its >$10 a week cash drip feed for the dealer.
Nissan Ryde Sydney want around $350 for it. Why do NSW/Sydney ppl always seem to get ripped off compared to other states. Gotta do something about that "sucka" look written all over my face. lol.
I drive a lot under harsh conditions as per pp M72 of the Customer Information Booklet, - thats my story and I'm sticking to it - at least they then have to check more things, replace a few more filters and lubricate hinges etc.
I could teach my grandma to do this AND I'd get milk and cookies thrown in!
pics from ther main. manual are a little blurry, but I've had a few beers and everything looks a little blurry at the moment...
"...'cause the only decent things that come in 2 litres are milk & orange juice"